Han's YueMing - Professional Laser Machine Manufacturer


What is a laser cutting machine
Updated:2011-08-13 13:56  Origin:laser cutting machine  Author:Han's Yueming Laser  Hist:


Laser cutting machines are a type of machine tool used in the fabrication and metalworking industries. Not to be mistaken with laser engraving machines, laser cutters are large expensive machines that can do some seriously powerful cutting.

How does laser cutting machine work?

CO2 laser produces a beam of infrared light that creates a stimulated emission of radiation. The laser is put on a gantry or cantilever above a cutting table that has a piece of material to be cut. The material is then melted, burned or vaporized off to produce a cut.

What do laser cutting machines cut?

Steel, stainless steel, titanium, paper, wax, aluminum, plastics, wood, and fabrics.

How much do laser cutting machines cost?

Most laser cutting machines start at around $300,000.

Who manufacturers laser cutting machines?

LVD Strippit, Trumpf, Prima Finn-Power and Amada all produce high quality laser cutting machines.
